Tory Tepp, Vortex to a Future Canoe
Wormfarm Institute
43.28810 N, 89.88820 W
Witwen Park - S9855 County Rd E - Sauk City, WI 53583
Tory Tepp’s work has broadly focused on the exploration and reestablishment of metaphysical connections between social and environmental ecologies that shape communities. His most recent work focuses on the intersection of land art, agriculture, and eco-literacy.
“Vortex to a Future Canoe,” located at the historic Witwen Park, is a site-responsive, spiraling earthwork conceived as a bridge through time and place. It connects the practices of this place's elders as stewards of the land, with the contemporary need to address social and environmental climate challenges now. Thinking generationally, this work will continue to evolve and ultimately come to fruition many years from now as the site grows, specifically in the context of the wetland surrounding Honey Creek. In addition to 4Ground, "Vortex to a Future Canoe" will appear as a featured artwork on the 2022 Farm/Art DTour (October 1-10), organized by Wormfarm Institute.
Stewarded by the Sprecher family for a century, Witwen Park is a former church campground anchored by a unique open-air Tabernacle completed in 1918. In its recent history, the park has hosted musical concerts and polycultural events like the DTour.